Ocean Park

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So seeing as how i am a complete loner out here in Hong Kong, I had no exciting Halloween party to attend. But i did, however, do one better: I went to Ocean Park. I mean what screams Halloween more than haunted houses and zombies and ghosts. Unfortunately, I wasn't as cool as others and had no costume. Sad face. But my sister and her friends (yep i hung out little high school kids) were cool and dressed up. My favorite was Byrant, (blog here) who was "the devil wears prada". He was going to wear his Prada shoes (to an amusement park I might add) but decided to just settle with Prada glasses. #fashionistaproblems.
The haunted houses were pretty good, if i was allowed to I would have tired to snap a few shots. There were a few epic things like this ghost FLYING/jumping out at you, whom I fived whilst screaming. That is multi-tasking right there. There was also like a butcher house area that was quite scary, having fake rubber pigs slap you around is not my idea of a good time.

The day was mostly for my sister's friends and her to hang out, I pretty much just tagged along.

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