Music Mondays: The Peach Kings
Music has always been a predominant part of my life. Whether it is experimenting (and failing) at various instruments including the french horn, violin, piano, and guitar; or dancing while getting ready in the morning to some Ellie Goulding; or simply shutting out the world by putting my earphones into my ear.There are so many things I love about music, but one of my favorites has got to be its ability to change my mood. There is so much beauty in how a 3 minute track can sway your emotions and lift your spirits, or depress you (unfortunately, it has that power as well). I cannot tell you how many times i have had the shittiest of days that have been cured by some LCD Soundsystem or Beach Boys or Cee-Lo.
The band I want to share with you all today is: The Peach King
Now, this is a band I discovered back in 2011 enjoyed for a solid 6 months, then inconveniently forgot about, until the release of their new single.
However, the song that got me to fall in love with them was one of their more known singles, Thieves and Kings. There something about it with a little rock n roll, and a very sexy groove. Basically if I could be as sexy as a song, I would like to be as sexy as this one, if that makes sense?