My Katipunan Family
Over the weekend I definitely felt the love from my Katipunan family. I was a little troubled over what to do for my birthday, as it is the first birthday I have ever had without my entire family there on the actual day of. Also, it would be a little difficult to top my "surf" trip that I took last year.
I decided on a quaint dinner with my close friends, initially I had planned on 10-12 people going. Slowly but surely things began to head south.. and by south I the shits. Throughout the day, my friends began informing me of various reason why they could not make dinner anymore. One friend, turned into two friends, turned into five. Which, is half my birthday party. This is not exactly the kind of birthday surprise that one appreciates. THEN it began to rain which, for those who know me, I hate.
Silly pessimistic me.
In that night i felt a lot of love, even if it was from a small group of people. It's all about qaulity, not quantity. Not to say that my friends who didn't make it, don't provide me some quality lovin', but regardless of which of my friends were there, I knew I was in the company of people who truly cared about me.
Family never fails you, even if they are not biological (well Joseph is biologically my brother).
Good food. Courtesy of Pino in Maginhawa. Seriously good food. I mean does it get better than little orange bowls filled with sweet savory rice topped with baby oranges and shitake mushrooms on the side? Or wine soaked adobo short ribs? Yea...go clean the drool off your floor.
Pretty Lyra :) |
Even better company. I know, I know. I have the world's most attractive friends. Its official.
Now, no birthday is complete without a cake. Or a vegan blueberry muffin.